

故事#1米歇尔·艾格克 & 故事#2聊天

2023年4月24日——编者注:这个故事有两个版本. The first was written by an Inside Marist staff writer; the second was written by ChatGPT as an experiment to compare AI-generated content to human-generated content. 


25岁的数据科学与分析学生克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托与 Dr. 阿曼达·达,民政事务总署署长 社交媒体中心 传播学助理教授, to explore what the Marist community thinks about ChatGPT and its possible impact in the classroom.

The artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Open AI has been leading conversations across news platforms since its launch. 为了回应日益增长的ChatGPT热潮, 萨米恩托调查了圣母学院的学生, 教师, 并让员工更多地了解人们对其对学术界的影响的看法. 

调查显示,人们对ChatGPT的感觉很复杂. While many of those surveyed stated their apprehension about the use and output of ChatGPT, most trusted or didn’t question the output of ChatGPT’s responses when the AI-generated content was presented to them, 即使ChatGPT的一些回答是不正确的. 

The survey also noted some interesting findings about the assumptions and unknown implications of ChatGPT’s use in academia. 例如, 当受访者被问及学生是否会使用ChatGPT进行抄袭时, 大多数人都说是的. But when they were asked, “Would you personally use ChatGPT to plagiarize,” the majority said no. The researchers hypothesized that this disconnect could be due to a social desirability bias, which is when people taking a survey answer in a way that they think will be viewed favorably by others. 

整体, the research points to a need for schools to address the broader issue of AI alignment and ethics and to consider institutional guidelines for ChatGPT that can be created in the context of curriculum.

“学校 should assess their goals so they can outline w在这里 and how they want to implement these types of technologies,萨米恩托说. “除了制定某种监管和意识计划之外, schools should be encouraging critical thinking and how to ethically and efficiently use software like ChatGPT as a tool, 不是工作或原创思想的替代品.” 

Sarmiento has been interested in the power of computers since he was young, 他在七年级的时候组装了自己的电脑. 一位有抱负的数据科学家和机器学习工程师, he has been working to gain as much research experience during his undergraduate years as possible, 处理像ChatGPT这样的大话题.

“看到ChatGPT以及它的发展方向是非常令人兴奋的,萨米恩托说 “ChatGPT is a progressing technology that can be incredibly helpful, 但就其含义而言, 有很多未知的东西. ChatGPT不会很快消失, so it’s good to get prepared by increasing awareness about it and improving data literacy so we can effectively utilize it and interpret it.”

克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托博士. 达米亚诺在ChatGPT的研究成果面前.
克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托博士. 达米亚诺在ChatGPT的研究成果面前. 亚历山德拉·罗西24年拍摄.

萨米恩托曾与布朗博士共事. 达 to analyze relevant research, conduct interviews with 教师 members from both the 计算机科学学院 & 数学传播与艺术学院,并调查了所有学校和年龄段的天主教社区. The survey focused on exploring how the accessibility of a large-language software like ChatGPT affects learning for both students and educators and how the community feels about the technology being available for public use.

“It’s been an ultimate pleasure working with Christian with his tireless energy, 热情, 以及对本科生研究的兴趣,”医生说。. 达. 而克里斯蒂安对圣母来说是新的, 他立即投入工作, making so many connections from doing this project and helping forge ongoing collaborations between the 传播与艺术学院 和 School of 计算机科学与数学.” 

作为现任主席 Marist Analytics社区萨米恩托最近还组织了一次校内人工智能活动 & 语言模型小组的教育工作者和领域专家. 活动由……主持 Eitel Lauria, 数据科学教授 & 信息系统和研究生项目主任, 并讨论了人工智能校准等话题, AI伦理, 和 larger implications that come with the development of these models.

Marist Analytics社区的人工智能和语言模型小组.
Marist Analytics社区的人工智能和语言模型小组. Michelle Eggink拍摄.

"The foundation models as GPT-4 and applications like ChatGPT are a spectacular feat of science, 技术和工程不断让人惊叹,Lauría说. “While they bring about unprecedented progress and revolutionize countless fields — in that regard the research work by Sarmiento and 达 is very relevant — we cannot ignore their dark side, from biases and disinformation to the potential stifling of human creativity. 随着人类逐渐向人工智能迈进, we must grapple with the existential risks and ethical complexities that arise from creating superintelligent systems.”

Lauría在研究期间与萨米恩托和达米亚诺合作, helping them choose software for sentiment analysis and think about how the use of ChatGPT aligns with individual goals of specific users (direct alignment) as well as the goals of broader society (social alignment).

Sarmiento presented his findings at Marist’s annual Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 和创造性活动 (CURSCA)(四月十九日).


 萨米恩托在CURSCA展示他的研究. 佐伊·费尔南德斯25岁拍摄.

The Marist Institute for Public Opinion has also conducted national research about what Americans think about ChatGPT. 你可以阅读调查结果 在这里.

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ChatGPT具有广泛的功能. 我们让它用这样的提示写一篇新闻:Write me a story about a student at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 named Christian Sarmiento doing a study on ChatGPT.”

克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托(Christian sammiento)是玛丽斯特学院(bet亚洲365欢迎投注)的一名好奇而专注的学生, with a passion for exploring the latest advances in artificial intelligence. 他听说过ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI创建的强大的语言模型, 他渴望更多地了解它的能力和潜力.

在他的教授和同学的支持下, Christian开始了对ChatGPT的全面研究, 分析其算法, 数据输入, 输出模式. He spent countless hours poring over technical papers and conducting experiments, 试图了解这个系统是如何运作的,以及如何改进它.

随着他深入到ChatGPT的世界, 克里斯蒂安开始意识到这项技术有多么强大. 他看到了ChatGPT改变无数行业的潜力, 从医疗保健和金融到教育和娱乐. 他知道他想成为这场革命的一部分.

他的研究完成了, Christian presented his findings to a group of industry experts and fellow students at bet亚洲365欢迎投注. He demonstrated how ChatGPT could be used to generate natural language responses to a wide range of questions and prompts, 并展示了该系统适应新数据和环境的能力.

他的演讲赢得了热烈的掌声和赞扬. He knew that he had made an important contribution to the field of artificial intelligence, 他的工作将对世界产生持久的影响.

As he packed up his notes and left the conference room, Christian couldn't help but smile to himself. 他知道他的ChatGPT之旅远未结束, and that t在这里 were countless new discoveries and challenges waiting for him in the years ahead. 但是现在, 他很满足于工作完成后的喜悦, 并陶醉于这项非凡技术的无限潜力.
